European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) va invita sa va inscrieti la o serie de 6 webinare in domeniul dreptului de azil.
The Law of Refugee Status – Six-part webinar series1st webinar: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 17:00 – 18:30 CETThe webinar series aims to present the key aspects of the Convention refugee definition, which is, of course, the basis of the European and national asylum legislation. The webinar series will give the judiciary a deeper understanding of the underlying principles governing the protection of refugees.Over the course of the series, Professor James Hathaway of the University of Michigan, known worldwide as a top academic authority in the field, will apply himself to the subject in order to provide the participants with a basis for critical judicial analysis.
- 29 January 17:00 CET: Alienage
- 05 February 17:00 CET: Well-founded fear
- 12 February 17:00 CET: Serious harm
- 19 February 17:00 CET: Failure of state protection
- 26 February 17:00 CET: Nexus to civil or political status
05 March 17:00 CET: Persons no longer or not deserving protection Participants are expected to have a prior understanding of European asylum law, as the webinars will concentrate on the international layer of the legal order, leaving the comparative analyses primarily to the participants themselves.
Judges and prosecutors, preferably those involved or to be involved in asylum matters.