Webinar Brussels I & Recast: Recent developments and case law – 3 decembrie 2018 10:00:00 CET – 11:30:00 CET

The Brussels I Regulation (44/2001) and its Recast (1215/2012, known as Brussels Ia or Brussels Ibis) are well-known and regularly applied in the – increasingly frequent – civil cases with cross-border elements. The Recast Regulation has been in force for almost four years. National judges pose many and divergent questions of interpretation to the Court of Justice of the EU. The webinar will discuss the recent twists and turns on both legislative and case law fronts that this familiar Regulation has taken. The speakers will address issues concerning the scope, rules of jurisdiction, the regime on recognition and enforcement, and judicial cooperation.


Judges and prosecutors, preferably those involved or to be involved in judicial cooperation in civil matters.

Inregistrare la acest link: https://meet51996584.adobeconnect.com/ejtn-events/event/event_info.html

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