WEBINARE CEPOL 2020 – 2024

Pentru accesarea webinarelor CEPOL este necesara inscrierea si aprobarea contului pe platforma LEED a CEPOL Romania.

Menționăm că webinarele se vor desfășura exclusiv în limba engleză.


216. Webinar EUIPO-CEPOL Counterfeit Electronics – understanding trends, risks, and techniques for law enforcement, 3 decembrie 2024, ora 11:00

215. Webinar 3066/2024/WEB ‘Online training methodologies’, 12 iunie 2024, 15:00

214. Webinar 3017/2024/WEB ‘EUROPOL’s role in exchanging information concerning firearms-related crime (weapons and explosives)’, 12 iunie 2024, 11:00

213. Webinar 3045/2024/WEB ‘Interagency judicial and police cooperation (in criminal matters)’, 5 iunie 2024, ora 15:00

212. Webinar 3068/2024/WEB ‘International parental abduction’, 4 iunie 2024, ora 15:00

211. Webinar 3010/2024/WEB ‘Detection and investigation of CARGO crime’, 3 iunie 2024, ora 11:00

210. Webinar 3053/2024/WEB ‘Upcoming AI challenges – Combating AI enabled crime’, 28 mai 2024, ora 15:00

209. Webinar 3048/2024/WEB ‘International Model Response to Transnational Child Sex Offenders (TCSOs)’, 23 mai 2024, ora 15:00

208. Webinar 3054/2024/WEB ‘Unaccompanied children in return procedures and fundamental rights’, 28 mai 2024, ora 11:00

207. Webinar 3015/2024/WEB ‘Investigation Admiral – A joint investigative approach to combat MTIC fraud’, 4 iunie 2024, ora 11:00

206. Webinar 3014/2024/WEB ‘Operation Geronimo – Money laundering in Excise and MTIC fraud’, 22 mai 2024, ora 11:00

205. Webinar 3073/2024/WEB ‘Fundamentals of scientific research in law enforcement agencies’, 3 mai 2024, ora 11:00

204. Webinar 3052/2024/WEB ‘Upcoming AI challenges: deepfake fraud’, 29 aprilie 2024, ora 15:00

203. Webinar 3027/2024/WEB ‘Counterfeit and illegal pesticides’, 19 martie 2024, ora 10:00

202. Webinar 3046/2024/WEB ‘International and multi-agency cooperation tools for prevention of labour exploitation‘, 8 martie 2024, ora 15:00

201. Webinar 3003/2024/WEB ‘European Drug Markets: Heroin and other opioids’, 28 februarie 2024, ora 15:00

200. Webinar 3013/2024/WEB ‘Detection and investigation of illegal production facilities of cigarettes’, 22 februarie 2024, ora 11:00

199. Webinar 3021/2024/WEB ‘Combating money laundering by using administrative approach”, 8 februarie 2024, ora 11:00

198. Webinar 3094/2023/WEB ‘Children of prisoners’, 22 ianuarie 2024, ora 15:00

197. Webinar 3083/2023/WEB ‘Antisemitism across European Campuses – Students’ Insights, 18 ianuarie 2024, ora 15:00

196. Webinar 3011/2023/WEB ‘Information Alert in the interest of the Union in the SIS’, 18 ianuarie 2024, ora 11:00 (amânat)

195. Webinar 3038/2023/WEB ‘Fighting and preventing EU level cultural goods crime II’, 14 decembrie 2023, ora 11:00

194. Webinar 3009/2023/WEB ‘European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS)’, 19 decembrie 2023, ora 15:00

193. Webinar 3025/2023/WEB ‘Foreign terrorist fighters and high risk individuals with a focus on specific conflict zones’, 19 decembrie 2023, ora 11:30

192. Webinar 3035/2023/WEB ‘Fighting migrant smuggling by means of financial investigation’, 11 decembrie 2023, ora 11:00

191. Webinar 3020/2023/WEB ‘Insider threat’, 14 decembrie 2023, ora 15:00

190. Webinar 3036/2023/WEB ‘Joint action days – Fighting migrant smuggling’, 13 decembrie 2023, ora 11:00

189. Webinar 3011/2023/WEB ‘Information Alert in the interest of the Union in the SIS’, 15 decembrie 2023

188. Webinar 3037/2023/WEB ‘Fighting and preventing EU level cultural goods crime I’, 7 decembrie 2023, ora 11:00

187. Webinar 3002/2023/WEB ‘The evolution of cybercrime in the AI-era’, 6 decembrie 2023, ora 15:00

186. Webinar 3014/2023/WEB ‘Cooperation with the United Kingdom’, 29 noiembrie 2023, ora 15:00

185. Webinar 3032/2023/WEB ‘European Drug Markets Report: Cannabis’, 4 decembrie 2023, ora 15:00

184. Webinar 3017/2023/WEB ‘Facial image comparison and face recognition for law enforcement – Part 2: technology and contemporary issues’, 8 decembrie 2023, ora 11:00

183. Webinar 3012/2023/WEB ‘Facial image comparison and face recognition for law enforcement – Part 1: the human aspect’, 6 decembrie 2023, ora 11:00

182. Webinar 3004/2023/WEB ‘Combatting child sexual exploitation: Impact on welfare of law enforcement officials’, 27 noiembrie 2023, ora 15:00

181. Webinar 3042/2023/WEB ‘Excise fraud: Cigarette crime’, 6 decembrie 2023, ora 11:00

180. Webinar 3033/2023/WEB ‘European Drug Markets Report: Amphetamine’, 30 noiembrie 2023, ora 11:00

179. Webinar 3015/2023/WEB ‘EU cooperation tools and instruments: How to start with the administrative approach’, 21 noiembrie 2023, ora 15:00

178. Webinar 3006/2023/WEB ‘Financial OSINT investigations’, 21 noiembrie 2023, ora 11:00

177. Webinar 3022/2023/WEB ‘Threat assessment on the misuse of non-profit organizations (NPOs) for terrorist financing purposes’, 15 noiembrie 2023, ora 15:00

176. Webinar 3085/2023/WEB ‘Europol toolbox implemented on local level to fight cross-border high risk criminal networks’, 9 noiembrie 2023, ora 10:30

175. Webinar 3075/2023/WEB ‘Policing Hate Crime against LGBTI people’, 7 noiembrie 2023, ora 15:00

174. Webinar 3090/2023/WEB ‘Complex security environments: Operation planning in Shrine of Fátima, Portugal (Covid-19 Pandemic and WYD2023 – Case study)’, 16 noiembrie 2023, ora 11:00

173. Webinar 3068/2023/WEB ‘TOOLKIT for responsible Artificial Intelligence innovation in Law Enforcement’, 13 noiembrie 2023, ora 11:00

172. Webinar 3046/2023/WEB ‘Privately made firearms (PMF)’, 10 noiembrie 2023, ora 11:00

171. Webinar 3085/2023/WEB ‘Europol toolbox implemented on local level to fight cross-border high risk criminal networks’, 9 noiembrie 2023, ora 11:00

170. Webinar 3041/2023/WEB ‘Illegal trade of water pipe tobacco’, 6 noiembrie 2023, ora 15:00

169. Webinar 3050/2023/WEB ‘Blockchain analysis for financial investigators’, 3 noiembrie 2023, ora 11:00

168. Webinar 3034/2023/WEB ‘The transnational drug market: A joint European problem from a Dutch perspective‘, 31 octombrie 2023, ora 11:00

167. Webinar 3092/2023/WEB ‘European Maritime Safety Agency role in law enforcement cooperation and training’, 30 octombrie 2023, ora 11:00

166. Webinar 3021/2023/WEB ‘The value of digital evidence and methods’, 26 octombrie 2023, ora 11:00

165. Webinar 3058/2023/WEB ‘The new Civilian CSDP Compact’, 25 octombrie 2023, ora 11:00

164. Webinar 3079/2023/WEB ‘Identifying and protecting victims of labour exploitation’, 12 octombrie 2023, ora 11:00

163. Webinar 3081/2023/WEB ‘Ensuring data protection in law enforcement work’, 13 octombrie 2023, ora 11:00

162. Webinar 3080/2023/WEB ‘Safeguards in procedures for children as suspects or accused persons’, 11 octombrie 2023, ora 15:00

161. Webinar 3040/2023/WEB ‘Cooperation between labour and law enforcement authorities on tackling labour exploitation’, 18 octombrie 2023, ora 11:00

160. Webinar 3060/2023/WEB ‘New routes of counterfeit goods entering the EU via the Southeast borders’, 10 octombrie 2023, ora 10:00

159. Webinar 3013/2023/WEB ‘Information exchange and cooperation with third countries’, 29 septembrie 2023, ora 11:00

158. Webinar 3001/2023/WEB ‘Open-Source Intelligence Tools and techniques for dark web’, 11 octombrie 2023, ora 11:00

157. Webinar 3003/2023/WEB ‘Guidelines for law enforcement first responders on child sexual abuse cases’, 21 septembrie 2023, ora 11:00

156. Webinar 3008/2023/WEB ‘Interoperability Art.20 + Art.22’, 15 septembrie 2023, ora 15:00

155. Webinar 3053/2022/WEB ‘Accountability principles for AI in the field of internal security (Online self-assessment tool)’, 14 septembrie 2023, ora 11:00

154. Webinar 3045/2023/WEB ‘EUROPOL and FRONTEX tools in firearms crime detection and investigation’, 27 septembrie 2023, ora 11:00

153. Webinar 3088/2023/WEB „MANPADS Task Force’s role in combating firearms trafficking„, 8 septembrie 2023, ora 14:00

152. Webinar 3072/2023/WEB ‘Elderly missing persons‘, 12 septembrie 2023, ora 15:00

151. Webinar 3087/2023/WEB ‘Rayuela project – Law enforcement innovative tools for preventing and combatting crime‘, 24 iulie 2023, ora 15:00

150. Webinar 3086/2023/WEB ‘Innovation and EU security research in EMPACT to fight serious and organised crime’, 5 iulie 2023, ora 15:00

148. Webinar 3077/2023/WEB ‘Lawful and unlawful profiling – police stops and predictive policing’, 14 iunie 2023, ora 11:00

149. Webinar 3010/2023/WEB ‘The SIS Handbook’, 22 iunie 2023, ora 15:00

147. Webinar 3053/2023/WEB ‘Europol Tool Repository: operational impact of innovation’, 15 iunie 2023, ora 11:00

146. 3007/2023/WEB ‘Interoperability (Art. 20 + Art. 22), 12 iunie 2023, ora 11:00

145. Webinar 3048/2023/WEB ‘Financial investigations in wildlife and timber trafficking’, 23 iunie 2023, ora 10:30

144. Webinar 3030/2023/WEB ‘Outlaw motorcycle gangs’, 13 iunie 2023, ora 10:00

143. Webinar 3051/2023/WEB ‘Breeder (non-standard) documents’, 25 mai 2023, ora 15:00

142. Webinar CEPOL 3076_2023 – Unaccompanied Children in Return Procedures and Fundamental Rights, 25 mai 2023, ora 11:00

141. Webinar 3043/2023/WEB ‘Investigating and prosecuting MTIC fraud on intangible goods (EMPACT MTIC O.A. 2.3.)’, 31 mai 2023, ora 11:00

140. Webinar 3052/2023/WEB ‘Facial comparison’, 11 mai 2023, ora 11:00

139. Webinar 3057/2023/WEB ‘Operational planning, establishment and launch of the new CSDP missions: The case of the EU mission in Armenia’, 3 mai 2023, ora 11:00

138. Webinar 3075/2022/WEB ‘Safeguards in procedures for suspected or accused minors’, 21 aprilie 2023, ora 11:00

137. Webinar 3056/2023/WEB ‘Counterfeit semiconductors – current threats and future challenges’, 22 mai 2023, ora 15:00

136. Webinar 3070/2023/WEB ‘Linking missing persons and unidentified human remains nationally and internationally’, 27 martie 2023, ora 15:00

135. Webinar 3039/2023/WEB ‘The use of social media in human trafficking investigations‘, 28 martie 2023, ora 15:00

134. Webinar 3005/2023/WEB ‘Combatting payment fraud: trends, threats, and resources‘, 8 martie 2023, ora 11:00

133. Webinar 3046/2022/WEB ‘Artificial Intelligence Act and introduction to accountability principles for AI in the field of internal security‘ 22 februarie 2023, ora 11:00

132. Webinar 3051/2022 – The Renewed Schengen Information System (SIS): Refresher Training, 17 februarie 2023, ora 11:00

131. Webinar 3069/2023/WEB ‘Crime prevention targeting high-risk victim groups’, 16 februarie 2023, ora 11:00

130. Webinar 3055/2023/WEB ‘Enforcement of intellectual property rights’, 31 ianuarie 2023, ora 10:00

129. Webinar 3062/2023/WEB ‘Use of artificial intelligence by law enforcement officials’, 10 februarie 2023, ora 11:00

128. Webinar 3061/2023/WEB ‘How to improve the fight against hate crimes from an institutional level’, 3 februarie 2023, ora 11:00

127. Webinar 3031/2023/WEB ‘Illicit drug laboratories: CEPOL’s new innovative training resources‘, 31 ianuarie 2023, ora 11:00

126. Webinar 3049/2023/WEB ‘Illegal sale of financial services’, 18 ianuarie 2023, ora 11:00

125. Webinar 3047/2023/WEB ‘Illegal ivory trade’, 12 ianuarie 2023, ora 11:00

124. Webinar 3072/2022/WEB ‘Mental health problems among police‘, 21 decembrie 2022, ora 11:00

123. Webinar 3075/2022/WEB ‘Safeguards in procedures for suspected or accused minors’ 15 decembrie 2022, ora 15:00

122. Webinar 3045/2022/WEB ‘Transnational left-wing and anarchist extremism’ 13 decembrie 2022, ora 11:00

121. Webinar 3036/2022/WEB ‘Business email compromise’ 13 decembrie 2022, ora 15:00

120. Webinar 3035/2022/WEB ‘Investment fraud’ 8 decembrie 2022, ora 11:00

119. Webinar 3002/2022/WEB ‘High risk Nigerian criminal networks, 7 decembrie 2022, ora 11:00

118. Webinar 3010/2022/WEB ‘Detection and investigation of motor vehicle crime in the EU’, 6 decembrie 2022, ora 11:00

117. Webinar 3016/2022/WEB ‘Missing trader intra community fraud’, 1 decembrie 2022, ora 11:00

116. Webinar 3071/2022/WEB ‘Cooperation and referrals of hate crime between law enforcement and civil society organisations (CSOs)’, 23 noiembrie 2022, ora 11:00

115. Webinar 3020/2022/WEB ‘Water pollution, illegal water abstraction’, 30 noiembrie 2022, ora 11:00

114. Webinar 3008/2022/WEB cu tema „Information provision in the Dublin Procedure”, 22 noiembrie 2022, ora 11:00

113. Webinar 3022/2022/WEB  „EPPO`s added value to cross-border money laundering and asset recovery investigations”, 24 noiembrie 2022, ora 11:00

112. Webinar 3076/2022/WEB „Addressing hate crime against Roma and travellers„, 21 noiembrie 2022, ora 11:00

111. Webinar 3044/2022/WEB ‘Islamist groups in the Syrian armed opposition‘, 12 decembrie 2022, ora 15:00

110. Webinar 3098/2022/WEB ‘Investigation of core international crimes’, 17 noiembrie 2022, ora 11:00

109. Webinar 3086/2022/WEB ‘The use of an alert system for abducted or missing children’, 8 noiembrie 2022, ora 15:00

108. Webinar 3034/2022 – Live Distance Child Abuse (LDCA): Sharing Best Practices from Norway, 7 noiembrie 2022, ora 11:00

107. Webinar 3077/2022/WEB ‘Hate crime against members of the LGBTQ community’, 27 octombrie 2022, ora 11:00

106. Webinar 3065/2022/WEB ‘Identifying and protecting victims of labour exploitation’, 20 octombrie 2022, ora 11:00

105. Webinar 3093/2022/WEB ‘Operation OPSON and geographical indications’, 18 octombrie 2022, ora 15:00

104. Webinar 3097/2022/WEB ‘Information provision in the context of access to the asylum procedure”, 19 octombrie 2022, ora 11:00

103. Webinar 3056/2022/WEB ‘Cooperation between the EU and third countries’, 17 octombrie 2022, ora 11:00

102. Webinar 3096/2022/WEB cu tema „The EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT) 2022: methodology, process and findings”, 14 octombrie 2022, ora 11:00

101. Webinar 3095/2022/WEB ‘15 years after its creation, the EUROGENDFOR remains suitable to face security challenges‘, 13 octombrie 2022, ora 15:00

100. Webinar 3063/2022/WEB ‘Law enforcement activities and data protection II”, 13 octombrie 2022, ora 11:00

99. Webinar 3089/2022/WEB cu tema „FIELDS Frontex-Interpol Electronic Library Document, a crosscutting operational capability for combating document fraud”, 4 octombrie 2022, ora 11:00

98. Webinar 3054/2022/WEB ‘Judicial cooperation‘, 27 septembrie 2022, ora 11:00

97. Webinar 3092/2022/WEB Combating illegal production of cigarettes in the EU‘, 20 septembrie 2022, ora 10:00

96. Webinar 3094/2022/WEB ‘Let’s speak asylum – Basic principles for information provision‘, 16 septembrie 2022, ora 11:00

95. Webinar Webinar 3012/2022/WEB, ‘Chinese criminal networks engaged in human trafficking in the EU‘, 15 septembrie 2022, ora 11:00

94. Webinar 3019/2022/WEB ‘Shipbreaking II‘, 13 iulie 2022, ora 11:00

93. Webinar 3089/2022/WEB 3089/2022/WEB ‘Document fraud investigation: German helpdesk, 4 iulie 2022, ora 11:00

92. Webinar 3090/2022/WEB 3089/2022/WEB ‘Document fraud investigation: Spain helpdesk‘, 8 iulie 2022, ora 11:00

91. Webinar 3064/2022/WEB Modern technologies and fundamental rights‘, 30 iunie 2022, ora 15:00

90. Webinar 3087/2022/WEB ‘Amber Alert: An introduction to cold case missing person investigations‘, 23 iunie 2022, ora 11:00

89. Webinar 3006/2022/WEB – ‘EU Drug markets in-depth analysis: methamphetamine‘, 21 iunie 2022, ora 15:00

88. Webinar 3004/2022/Web – ‘EU Drug markets in-depth analysis: cocaine‘, 9 iunie 2022, ora 15:00

87. Webinar 3088/2022/Web – ”Border management and human rights: information sharing and new technologies in the counter-terrorism and freedom of movement context”, 25 mai 2022, ora 15:00

86. Webinar Cepol Portugalia – „Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies„, 24 mai 2022, ora 11:00

85. Webinar 3085/2022/WEB – ‘Amber Alert: The use of risk triage in missing person cases and its benefits‘, 19 mai 2022, ora 11:00

84. Webinar 3007/2022 – “Border management and human rights: information sharing and new technologies in the counter-terrorism and freedom of movement context”, 25 mai 2022, ora 15:00

83. Webinar 3007/2022 – “Dismantling Illegal Print Shops / Investigating Migrant Smuggling on Eastern Mediterranean Migratory Route”, 17 mai 2022, ora 15:00

82. Webinar 3050/2022 – “SIS recast II: New data elements in SIS and how to use them (object alerts)”, 10 mai 2022, ora 11:00

81. Webinar 3084/2022 – ‘EU Strategic Training Needs Assessment 2022-2025‘, 27 aprilie 2022, ora 15:00

80. Webinar 3060/2022 – “Police stops, searches and profiling”, 28 aprilie 2022, ora 11:00

79. Webinar 3081/2022 – ”Protection of journalists”, 22 aprilie 2022, ora 11:00

78. Webinar 3083/2022 – Key fundamental rights risks at the EU-Ukraine borders, 25 aprilie 2022, ora 15:00

77. Webinar 3021/2022 – Mapping and analysis of offshore investments, 26 aprilie 2022, ora 11:00

76. Webinar 3027/2022 – „The European Gendarmerie Force (EUROGENDFOR), 21 aprilie 2022, ora 11:00

75. Webinar 3033/2022 – ”Europol – Analysis Project Twins”, 13 aprilie 2022, ora 11:00

74. Webinar 3082/2022 –INVISIBLE CHILDREN: Identifying and responding to children victims of trafficking in the context of the Ukrainian crisis, 6 aprilie 2022, ora 14:30

73. Webinar 3015/2022 – Current state of MTIC frauds in Central Europe – case studies’, 05 aprilie 2022, ora 11:00

72. Webinar 3062/2022 – Law enforcement activities and data protection, 1 aprilie 2022, ora 11:00

71. Webinar 3079/2022 – “’Preventing and detecting trafficking in human beings affecting people fleeing from Ukraine, 25 martie 2022, ora 11:00

70. Webinar 3080/2022 – ‘ Fundamental rights and vulnerabilities of refugees in the context of the Ukrainian war, 24 martie 2022, ora 15:00

69. Webinar 3061/2022 – Unaccompanied children in return procedures and fundamental rights, 31 martie 2022, ora 11:00

68. Webinar 3039/2022 –The insider threat – radicalisation within law enforcement bodies”, 28 martie 2022, ora 15:00

67. Webinar 3038/2022 – Transnational right-wing extremism, 17 martie 2022, ora 11:00

66. Webinar 3017/2022 – SIS: Improve awareness of relevant functionalities and firearms-related information contained in the System, ora 24 martie 2022, ora 15:00

65. Webinar 3005/2022 – Party drugs and crime, 22 martie 2022, 15:00

64. Webinar 3009/2022 –Boat related crime in Europe, 23 martie 2022, 10:00

63. Webinar ‘”Counterfeiting and pharmaceutical products‘, 08 ,martie 2022, ora 10:00

62. Webinar Glogal Terrorism Index 2022, 07 martie 2022, ora 11:00

61. Webinar 44/2022 cu tema Evaluation techniques in evidence based policing: Process evaluation, 28 februarie 2022, ora 15:00

60. Webinar 3011/2022 – „Adult service websites as enablers of sexual exploitation„, Law enforcement staff, including investigators and prosecutors involved in addressing trafficking in human beings and protecting the victims, 15 februarie 2022, ora 11:00

59. Webinar 20/2021 –Tabacco Fraud, For Law enforcement officers dealing with tobacco fraud related investigations and operations. Customs, police, judiciary and tax officers are all welcome, 15 decembrie 2021, ora 11:00

58. Webinar 04/2021 – Internet of Things, For Law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judicial staff, 7 decembrie 2021, ora 11:00

57. Webinar FRA-CEPOL – “Role of law enforcement in guaranteeing fundamental rights”, For Law enforcement and judiciary officers, staff of EU agencies and international organisations, 14 decembrie 2021,ora 11:00

56. Webinar 25/2021 – ‘ECRIS-TCN Awareness’, For any official from an administrative, judicial or law enforcement authority dealing with technical management/decision taking or working in the functional use of ECRIS, or officials that are expected to work with ECRIS-TCN in the future or the introduction of ECRIS-TCN will significantly affect their work, 1 decembrie 2021, ora 10:30

55. Webinar 28/20221 – “An Added Value in Fighting Serious Crimes: A Step by Step Approach Towards a Money Laundering Conviction Without Proving the Underlying Predicate Offence”, For Law enforcement, 30 noiembrie 2021, ora 11:00

54. Webinar 61/2021 – ‘Third party reporting‘, For Law enforcement officers involved in fighting hate crime and in community policing, 10 noiembrie 2021, ora 11:00

53. Webinar 26/2021 – ‘Illegal management of plastic waste‘, For Law enforcement officers specialised on environmental crime or economic crime. Officials working for environmental inspectorates and similar key regulatory bodies are also welcome, 12 noiembrie 2021, ora 11:00

52. Webinar 10/2021 – ‘Illicit drug markets in the Western Balkans: trends and impact of COVID-19′, For Law enforcement officers, including Customs officials as well as prosecutors/judicial authorities specialized on combating drug production and trafficking. The webinar is also suitable for managers in decision-making positions, 4 noiembrie 2021, ora 11:00

51. Webinar 22/2021 – ‘MTIC/VAT fraud between several EU countries in the used car trade‘, For Law enforcement officers and representatives from judicial authorities, involved in the countering and/or investigation of MTIC/VAT frauds, 13 octombrie 2021, ora 11:00

50. Webinar 63/2021 – “Protecting Victims of Labour Exploitation”, 22 septembrie 2021, For THB investigators and labour inspectors, ora 11:00

49. Webinar 36/2021 – “SIS Recast: Alerts on Objects”, For SIS user authorities having access to the system (police, border guard, migration authorities, security services); SIRENE officers, 17 septembrie 2021, ora 11:00

48. Webinar 53/2021 – “Political or Personal Motivations and Subcultures Behind European Lone Actor Violence”, For Law enforcement officers; Criminal investigators and representatives from judicial authorities involved in the prevention, investigation and prosecution of Serious and Organised Crime and Terrorism, 6 septembrie 2021, ora 11:00

47. Webinar 18/2021 – “Children in Migration at Risk of Trafficking„, For Law enforcement staff, including police officers, border guards and front-line officers, involved in the identification and safeguard of victims of trafficking, 9 septembrie 2021, ora 11:00

46. Webinar 50/2021 – ‘The EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report: a bird’s eye view on terrorism in Europe’, For Strategic analysts, international liaison officers, policy makers, 15 iulie 2021, ora 15:00

45. Webinar 40/2021 – ‘Joint investigation teams: Focus on third country cooperation’, For Law enforcement officers and the judiciary, 12 iulie 2021, ora 15:00

44. Webinar 23/2021 –Economic impact of COVID-19 crisis in IPR-intensive industries in the European Union’, For Officers from customs agencies, police forces, border police, market surveillance authorities and the judiciary, 2 iulie 2021, ora 11:00

43. Webinar 65/2021 –Rights of child victims of trafficking – interviewing techniques’, For Law enforcement officers and police psychologists who are confronted with THB child victims in their daily work. 30 iunie 2021, ora 11:00

42. Webinar Ad-hoc 05/2021 – ”Hate Crime – Anti-Muslim Hatred”, For Law enforcement officials and specialists responsible for recording and tackling hate crime and online hate speech, 28 iunie 2021, ora 15:00

41. Webinar 35/2021 – ”SIS recast: Alerts on discreet inquiry, specific checks (Article 36)” , For SIS user authorities having access to the system (police, border guard, migration authorities, security services); SIRENE officers, 2 iulie 2021, ora 11:00

40. Webinar 14/2021 – ‘Access to the asylum procedure and Identification of vulnerabilities‘, For first contact officials and law enforcement bodies who might be in contact with potential asylum seekers or persons willing to make an application for international protection, as well as authorities in charge of the lodging of an asylum application (including identification and fingerprinting). The target group includes officials performing these duties in the framework of a national asylum system, or in an operational setting, such as border areas, disembarkations, transit zones, hotspots, 22 iunie 2021, ora 15:00

39. Webinar 13/2021 – Hate crime against members of the LGBTQ community‘, For Law enforcement officials and specialists responsible for recording and tackling hate crime and online hate speech, 23 iunie 2021, ora 11:00

38. Webinar Conferință The External Dimension of the Internal Security (3.rd edition), For Academics, law enforcement officers, magistrates, military, prosecutors and academia/university students interested in this topic, 16 iunie 2021, ora 15:00

37. Webinar 16/2021 – The administrative approach and organised property crime: theory and practice’, For Police officers, magistrates active in the field of organised property crime, National Contact Points of the ENAA (EU network for admin approach) and competent admin authorities interested in applying admin approach in the field of OPC, even without previous experience and knowledge in the field of the Administrative Approach, 17 iunie 2021, ora 11:00

36. Webinar 06/2021 – ”Uncovering CSE using interviews of children – a multidisciplinary approach”, For Uncovering CSE using interviews of children – a multidisciplinary approach, 10 iunie 2021, ora 11:00

35. Webinar 62/2021 – ‘LEEd: CEPOL’s Learning management system’, 25 mai 2021, For LEEd Users with active access to the site, ora 15:00

34. Webinar 11/2021 – “The Use of the Administrative Approach and Barrier Models. The Case of Synthetic Drug Production”, For Law enforcement officers, including customs officials, prosecutors/judicial authorities, managers in decision-making positions as well as others interested in learning about the basics of the administrative approach and (how this could help to tackle) synthetic drug production. Prior knowledge is not necessary, 20 mai 2021, ora 11:00

33. Webinar Europol -„Trends of serious organised crime and law enforcement cooperation„, For Law enforcement and judiciary officers, staff of EU agencies and international organisations, 20 mai 2021, ora 11:00

32. Webinar 61/2021 – ” New portfolio on LEEd: how to develop your personal business skills”, For LE officers from any domains who wish to develop their leadership, managerial and soft skills as described above. Also educators, course managers who wish to imbed these resources to enrich their learning content are welcome, 19 mai 2021, ora 15:00

31. Webinar 15/2021 – ”Grandchild trick – cooperation and investigation possibilities”, For Law enforcement officers and representatives from judicial authorities who are engaged in countering the conventional and organised crime especially in the particular area of property crimes, 18 mai 2021, ora 11:00

30. Webinar 02/2021 – ”OSINT tools for cyber-investigations”, For Academia, law enforcement, judicial staff, 13 mai 2021, ora 15:00

29. Webinar 13/2021 – ‘The use of OSINT in facilitation of illegal immigration’, For Law enforcement investigators on OSINT in facilitation of illegal immigration, 11 mai 2021, ora 15:00

28. Webinar AdHoc 06/2021 – ‘The right to information, right to access, rectify, delete own data in the IT systems and their interoperability‘, For Law enforcement officials, 10 mai 2021, ora 15:00

27. Webinar 07/2021 – ‘Payment Fraud Trends’, For Law enforcement and judicial authorities involved in the analysis and/or investigation of payment card fraud and online payment fraud, 28 aprilie 2021, ora 15:00

26. Webinar 62/2021 – ‘Unlawful profiling’, For Frontline law enforcement officers, 21 aprilie 2021, ora 11:00

25. Webinar 33/2021 – ”The new SIS Regulations and alerts for arrest”, For SIRENE officers, SIS user authorities having access to the system (police, border guard, migration authorities, judicial authorities), 16 aprilie, ora 11:00

24. Webinar EMCDDA – “The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on drugs trafficking and drugs use in Europe”, For Law enforcement and judiciary officers, staff of EU agencies and international organisations specialised on fighting drugs trafficking either at operational or policy level, 27 aprilie 2021, ora 11:00

23. Webinar 27/2021 – ‘Corporate Economic Crime’, 22 aprilie 2021, ora 11:00

22. Webinar 52/2021 – Protection of Victims of Terrorism, For Law enforcement officials working in the field of Counter-terrorism and police psychologists as well as any other type of victim support workers within law enforcement, 07 aprilie 2021, ora 11:00

21. Webinar 64/2021 – ‘Returning unaccompanied children fundamental rights considerations’, For Law enforcement officers who in their work, especially in the context of return, are confronted with unaccompanied children, 30 martie 2021, ora 11:00

20. Webinar ad-Hoc 47/2021 – ‘Fight against the financing of terrorism – Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme tool’, For Law enforcement officers and representatives from judicial authorities who are engaged in countering financing of terrorism and/or who are involved in investigations of terrorism financing, 10 martie 2021, ora 11:00

19. Webinar 09/2021 – ”Drug trafficking via postal services”, For Law enforcement officers, including Customs officials as well as prosecutors/judicial authorities specialised on combating drug production and trafficking. The webinar is also suitable for managers in decision-making positions, 11 martie 2021, ora 11:00

18. Webinar 48/2021 – ” Battlefield Evidence for Prosecuting Foreign Terrorist Fighters”, For Law enforcement officers; Criminal investigators and representatives from judicial authorities involved in the prevention, investigation and prosecution of Foreign Terrorist Fighters / Travelling Terrorists / Returnees, 8 martie 2021, ora 11:00

17. Webinar 23/2021 – ”European Firearms Experts (EFE): A law enforcement working party network”, For Law enforcement officers and representatives of the judicial authorities who are involved in countering the illegal firearms related crime at national or international level, 3 martie 2021, ora 11:00

16. Webinar Adhoc 09/2021 – ”Introduction to the VIS-BMS”, For MS or EU representatives and employees that will come in touch with the VIS or are interested in basic understanding of the system, 28 februarie 2021, ora 15:00

15. Webinar 42/2021 – ‘Exchange of Supplementary Information with Europol on Hits Related to Terrorism’, For SIS user authorities having access to the system (police, border guard, migration authorities, security services); SIRENE officers, 1 martie 2021, ora 15:00

14. Webinar COVID22/2020 – ‘Policing the pandemic: lessons (to be) learned’, For Law enforcement officials and research staff with an interest in or being concerned with understanding and handling the challenges of policing under pandemic social and organisational conditions , 4 februarie 2021, ora 15:00

13. Webinar AdHoc 45/2020 – ”Threats related to non-cash payment fraud during the COVID-19 pandemic‘, For Law enforcement and judicial authorities specialised on electronic payment fraud investigations, 28 Ianuarie 2021, ora 15:00

12. Webinar Adhoc 36/2020 – ”Counterfeit and Organised Crime. A “Genuine” Link”, For prosecutors, 4 februarie 2021, ora 11:00

11. Webinar AdHoc 46/2020 – ”OSINT and Counter Terrorism- Sirius Perspectives”, For judges and prosecutors, 4 februarie 2021, ora 11:00

10. Webinar COVID 17/2020 – ”Hate Crime in Times of COVID-19: Antisemitism”, For Law Enforcement Officers, 27 ianuarie 2021, ora 11:00

9. Webinar AdHoc 38/2020 – ‘Vulnerability assessment of the protection of critical infrastructure’, For Senior law enforcement officials and other experts responsible for the application, supervision and planning of countermeasures as well as operational and training matters to protect critical public infrastructures from terrorist and/or extremist attacks, 27 ianuarie 2021, ora 15:00

8. Webinar CEPOL 67/2020 – ”Cooperation between police and counselling centres for victims of hate crimes as means to improve recording and encourage reporting„, For Law enforcement officers involved in fighting hate crime and in community policing, 28 ianuarie 2021, ora 15:00

7. Webinar COVID 01/2020 – ”(Almost) A Year of Policing the Pandemic: Facts, Figures & Issues”, For Law enforcement officials and research staff with an interest in or being concerned with understanding and handling the challenges of policing under pandemic social and organisational conditions, 28 ianuarie 2021, ora 15:00

6. Webinar 39/2020 – ‘Joint investigation teams: Concept and supporting tools, For Law enforcement and prosecutors from EU and non-EU member states, 25 ianuarie 2021, ora 11:00

5. Webinar 03/2020 – ‘Attacks against information systems – Decryption’, For Cybercrime investigators and digital forensic investigators and examiners, 25 ianuarie 2021, ora 15:00

4. Webinar 55/2020 – ”Impact of COVID-19 to counterterrorism & serious and organised crime’, For Law enforcement officers; Criminal investigators and representatives from judicial authorities involved in the prevention, investigation and prosecution of Serious and Organised Crime and Terrorism, 22 ianuarie 2021, ora 11:00

3. Webinar 12/2020 – Change in modi operandi in migrant smuggling and implications for the work of law enforcement in the context of COVID-19, For Law enforcement officers, 21 ianuarie 2021, ora 15:00

2. Webinar – The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Eurojust – the digitalisation of judicial cooperation in Europe, For Law enforcement and judiciary officers, staff of EU agencies and international organisations, 20 ianuarie 2021, ora 11:0

  1. Webinar 66/2020 – ‘Addressing antisemitic hate crime’, For Law enforcement officers, 19 ianuarie 2021, ora 11:00


49. Webinar 48/2020 – ”Strategic Intelligence Analysis”, For Law enforcement, intelligence and other criminal justice officers, specialists and analysts involved in strategic intelligence (either as producers or consumers of intelligence), 18 decembrie 2020, ora 11:00

48. Webinar 06/2020 – ‘Welfare for online child sexual exploitation teams’, For Law enforcement, Law enforcement officers involved in child sexual exploitation investigation, 17 decembrie 2020, ora 11:00

47. Webinar 71/2020 – ‘The protection of EU national children deprived of parental care who are victims or at risk of trafficking’, For Law enforcement officers, psychologists and other professionals working in the area of THB, in particular with children, 17 decembrie 2020, ora 15:00

46. Webinar 19/2020 – ”Illicit Trade of Tobacco Products”, For Law enforcement officers dealing with tobacco fraud related investigations and operations. Customs, police, judiciary officers are all welcome, 16 decembrie 2020, ora 11:00

45. Webinar 52/2020 – ‘New technologies in counter terrorism’, For Law enforcement officers and representatives from judicial authorities who are engaged in countering the terrorism and/or who are involved in investigations of terrorism-related cases, 15 decembrie 2020, ora 11:00

44. Webinar 21/2020 – ‘Mental health issues and support for law enforcement officers during the Pandemic’ , For Police psychologists, leaders of police units and other interested law enforcement officers, 14 decembrie 2020, ora 15:00

43. Webinar 55/2020 – ‘Impact of COVID-19 to counterterrorism & serious and organised crime’, For Law enforcement officers; Criminal investigators and representatives from judicial authorities involved in the prevention, investigation and prosecution of Serious and Organised Crime and Terrorism, 27 noiembrie, ora 15:00

42. Webinar COVID 12/2020 – ‘Change in modi operandi in migrant smuggling and implications for the work of law enforcement in the context of COVID-19‘, For Law enforcement preventing and combating illegal immigration, 27 noiembrie, ora 11:00

41. Webinar 67/2020 ‘Cooperation between police and counselling centres for victims of hate crimes as means to improve recording and encourage reporting‘, For Law enforcement officers involved in fighting hate crime and in community policing, 19 noiembrie, ora 15:00

40. Webinar 48/2020 – ‘Strategic Intelligence Analysis’, Law enforcement, intelligence and other criminal justice officers, specialists and analysts involved in strategic intelligence (either as producers or consumers of intelligence)., 19 noiembrie, ora 11:00

39. Webinar Ad-hoc 21/2020 – ‘Criminal Investigation and Fundamental Rights’, For Academics, law enforcement officers, judiciary, prosecutors and academy/university students interested in this topic., 19 noiembrie, ora 15:00

38. Webinar 52/2020 – ‘New technologies in counter terrorism’, For Law enforcement officers and representatives from judicial authorities who are engaged in countering the terrorism and/or who are involved in investigations of terrorism-related cases, 18 noiembrie, ora 15:00

37. Webinar AdHoc 30/2020 – Malware Investigation, For Cybercrime investigators and digital forensic investigators and examiners, 17 noiembrie, ora 15:00

36. Webinar 20/2020 -‘Illicit trade of tabacco products‘, For Illicit trade of tabacco products, 12 noiembrie, ora 11:00

35. Webinar 38/2020 -‘Joint investigation teams: Concept and supporting tools‘, For Law enforcement and prosecutors from EU and non-EU member states, 9 noiembrie, ora 11:00

34. Webinar 36/2020 – The use of SIS in the fight against terrorism and the role of Europol, For SIRENE officers, other competent SIS user authorities and authorities directly/indirectly involved in the fight against terrorism. 6 noiembrie, ora 15:00

33. Webinar COVID 03/2020 – The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Non-Cash Payment Fraud, For Law enforcement and judicial authorities specialised on electronic payment fraud investigations, 29 octombrie 2020, ora 15:00

32. Webinar 11/2020 – The Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Modi Operandi in THB and the Consequences for Law Enforcement, For Investigators and prosecutors as well as other law enforcement staff involved in the detection and investigations of trafficking in human beings, 28 octombrie 2020, ora 11:00

31. Webinar COVID 02/2020 – Abuse of Zoom and Other Interactive Apps during COVID-19 Pandemic as Gateway for Child Sexual Exploitation, For Law Enforcement officers working in the area of CSE, 28 octombrie 2020, ora 11:00

30. Webinar 16/2020 – The Administrative Approach to Organised Property Crime, For The Administrative Approach to Organised Property Crime, 22 octombrie 2020, ora 11:00

29. Webinar ad-hoc 06/2020 – Unlawful Profiling, For Frontline law enforcement officers, 21 octombrie 2020, ora 15:00

28. Webinar series Ad-Hoc – Protection of Migrant Minors from all Forms of Violence – Modules I-III, For First-line practitioners – responders on migrant minors protection, mostly addressed to Law Enforcement and Judicial Officials, as well as Migration and Asylum Officers, 29-30 septembrie, ora 11:00

27. Webinar 58/2020 – ‘Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security’‘ – For ‘Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security’, 30 septembrie 2020, ora 15:00

26. Webinar 08/2020 – ‘ Fraud & counterfeiting of non-cash means of payment II: Payment fraud – International cooperation‘ – For Law Enforcement investigating payment fraud, 30 septembrie 2020, ora 11:00

25. Webinar Ad-hoc 16/2020 – ‘ The EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report: a bird’s eye view on terrorism in Europe‘ – The EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report: a bird’s eye view on terrorism in Europe, 23 septembrie 2020, ora 15:00

24. Webinar 49/2020 – ‘ ‘The Weaponisation of Social Media‘ – For Academia, law enforcement, military, NGO’s and intelligence community, 24 septembrie 2020, ora 15:00

23. Webinar 07/2020 – ‘ Fraud & counterfeiting of non-cash means of payment I: Unwrapping payment fraud: challenges in combatting payment fraud’‘ – For Law Enforcement investigating payment fraud, 23 septembrie 2020, ora 11:00

22. Webinar 54/2020 – ‘ Case study: Lessons learned from the terrorist attacks in Spain‘ – For Senior law enforcement officers and representatives from judicial authorities who are likely to be involved in the investigation of terrorist attacks at national or international level, 22 septembrie 2020, ora 15:00

21. Webinar 14/2020 – ‘ JETs in Action – online document verification and facial image comparisons via mobile devices and helpdesks‘ – For Law enforcement officials (police, border guards, magistrates/prosecutors, and other public officials) tackling organised crime facilitating illegal immigration and law enforcement practitioners dealing with illegal migrants, 22 septembrie 2020, ora 11:00

20. Webinar 47/2020 – ”Introduction to Intelligence-Led Policing”For the wide law enforcement community, especially law enforcement managers and governmental officials responsible for police strategies; law enforcement managers responsible for crime intelligence and analysis; managers and instructors at law enforcement training academies/institutions, 8 septembrie 2020, ora 11:00

19. Webinar 30/2020 – ‘Document Fraud: Visa Fraud’For Law enforcements practitioners tackling facilitated illegal immigration and document fraud; border police (first and second line); police forces; criminal police forces; prosecutors, 2 septembrie 2020, ora 11:00

18. Webinar 32/2020 – ”Interoperability of EU large scale IT Systems – Awareness session„, For Interoperability stakeholders, 10 iulie 2020, ora 12:00

17. Webinar 42/2020 –‘Information on the Administrative Approach (ENAA)’For policy makers, civil servants, law enforcement officers and other key stakeholders in EU MS that are involved in the prevention and fight against serious and organised crime, 4 iunie 2020, ora 15:00

16. Webinar 04/2020 –‘Europol Malware Analysis Solution (EMAS) – Why You Should Not Submit Investigations’For Cybercrime investigators or digital forensic examiners working in the area of cybercrime, 3 iunie 2020, ora 11:00

15. Webinar 05/2020 –‘Combating Child Sexual Exploitation – Project Aviator Augmented Visual Intelligence and Targeted Online ResearchFor LE officers involved in CSE investigation and/or dealing with NCMEC reports, 2 iunie 2020, ora 15:00

14. Webinar 40/2020 –‘The prevention of and information on individual fraud‘ – For Law enforcement officers and others working on individual fraud and scams, both in online or offline settings, 29 mai 2020, ora 11:00

13. Webinar 45/2020 – ‘Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) Crime in the European Union‘ – For Police working with IP crime, police working in cybercrime units and prosecutors working with IP crime, 27 mai 2020, ora 15:00

12. Webinar 15/2020 – Prevention activities: EU-wide Focus Day on domestic burglary and the pickpocketing campaignFor Law Enforcement officials, 8 aprilie 2020, ora 11:00

11. Webinar 66/2020 – Addressing anti-Semitic hate crime For Law enforcement officers, 23 martie 2020, ora 11:00

10.Webinar 72/2020 – Identification of Vulnerable Persons and Victim Protection during Initial Registration For Law enforcement officers in charge of first registration of immigrants, 16 martie 2020, ora 11:00

9. Webinar – The Evolution of Police and Judicial Cooperation in the EUFor everyone engaged professionally or academically with matters of cross-border judicial or police cooperation, 28 februarie 2020, ora 14:00

8. Webinar 28/2020 – Camden Asset-Recovery Inter-Agency Network (CARIN) For International cooperation and asset recovery specialists, law enforcement officers specialised in money laundering and financial investigations, serious organised crime investigators, 28 februarie 2020, ora 11:00

7. Webinar 03/2020 – European Intellectual Property Crime  – Case Study: The Vigorali For Law Enforcement officials interested in Intellectual Property Crime, 13 februarie 2020, ora 15:00

6. Webinar 27/2020 – Anti-Money Laundering Operational Network (AMON)For Law enforcement officers specialised in money laundering and financial investigations, serious organised crime investigators, international cooperation and asset recovery specialists, 6 februarie 2020, ora 11:00

5. Webinar 09/2020 – International Narcotics Control Board Intel Sharing, Opioids Safe Handling and OperationsFor Law enforcement officials and regulatory authorities working on drug control efforts, international cooperation and information exchange, 5 februarie 2020, ora 15:00

4. Webinar special – CEPOL Exchange Programme 2020For judges and prosecutors interested in participating, 12 februarie 2020, ora 11:00

3. Webinar 02/2020 – European Intellectual Property Crime – Case Study : The Czech alcohol caseFor Law Enforcement officials interested in Intellectual Property Crime, 31 ianuarie 2020, ora 11:00

2. Webinar 64/2020 – Protecting victims of labour exploitationFor THB investigators and Labour Inspectors, 24 ianuarie 2020, ora 11:00

1. Webinar 01/2020 – European Intellectual Property Crime – Case Study: The Cardpro caseFor Law Enforcement officials interested in Intellectual Property Crime, 23 ianuarie 2020, ora 15:00

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